Monday, November 28, 2005

A Nice Looooong Weekend

My Thanksgiving holiday started on Wednesday. I took a day off to take my kids to the dentist & the orthodontist. My daughter had routine x-rays and a cleaning. You would have thought she was getting a tooth pulled. She cried during both -- not a sobbing cry but tears were streaming down her face :( . My son had already been to the dentist several weeks earlier. Aside from needing braces his teeth are in good health. Since all of his baby teeth haven't fallen out yet he will have to go back to the orthodontist in 6 months to have his braces put on.

I've postponed going to see my family until Christmas. I wasn't alone however. Some of the ladies from my single parents small group came over for Thanksgiving dinner. I made the cornbread dressing & sweet potato pies. We also had homemade macaroni & cheese, Cajun fried turkey, honey baked ham, green beens and cake. I ate waaaaayyyyy too much but I had a wonderful time. I plan on walking around the upstairs track this evening while my son is at basketball practice. This will be my kids first year playing basketball. I've signed them up with the league at our church.

I had a mishap with my computer keyboard on Saturday (as I was trying to finish a last minute assignment for my pre-Algebra class). I also had a test due on Sunday that I have not taken. Fortunately, the instructor is allowing me to turn it in by tomorrow.

I didn't do any after Thanksgiving Day shopping. I'm going to wait a couple of weeks.

I had a wonderful long weekend, but it went by much too fast.

1 comment:

Nandi Yaa said...

Why did I read this and get the feeling you were trying to get it all out as quickly as possible so you could move on to something else? LOL Sounds like you had a peaceful holiday break. Peace--that does it for me anytime.
