Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Keepin' My Head Above The Water

I've been feeling a bit challenged for the past several months but I'm still hanging in there. Let's see, first of all my children went to Oklahoma for what should have been 3 weeks but they returned after only a week because my son has somehow acquired scalp ringworms (tinea capitis). It was bad. I'll leave out the details, it wasn't a pretty sight. He went through bouts of head pains (different from headaches) and sores all over his head. I honestly have no idea where/who he got it from. He's been on medication for 30 days and was given another 30 day prescription at his last follow-up visit which was last week. He's doing much better now but it may take another month before he's completely healed.

Money has been reaaaalll funny. Thumbs up to the wonderful fathers out there who are taking care of their children. Unfortunately, my children's father does not fall into this category. I've had to go through a private child support collection agency to enforce something that he should be doing WILLINGLY!! Home boy has been working a job getting paid cash for several months & has continued to neglect his children. Instead of cursing him I will continue to pray for him. Especially now that he has had to move in with a friend because he couldn't pay his rent. Hopefully his eyes will be opened and he will come to the realization that "whatever a man sows, this he will also reap".

But, in spite of all that -- God is still good!! His word says to count it ALL joy. Not some, not half but all. Even though I may not completely understand why I would count being $200 short on my mortgage all joy, I will be obedient and do it anyway :).

The obvious joy in my life is the fact that I have 2 more classes left before taking one last class for volunteers at the Family Care Pregnancy Center. These past 10 weeks of attending bible class have been a tremendous blessing for me. I will also be attending Dallas Baptist University this Fall -- Yeah!!! I'm so excited. I've actually enrolled in an online degree program but if I have to go to the campus for anything it is no more than 10 miles away. I have about 45 credits that will transfer and my employer will reimburse tuition (up to an amount that is equivalent to state college tuition). Hey, it's better than nothing -- especially considering the fact that DBU is a private university.

I managed to actually find time to read this past couple of weeks. I just finished reading Boaz Brown by Michelle Stimpson. I met her about 2 years ago at my son's soccer team's end of the season picnic. At that time her book had not yet been published yet. She had brochures promoting the book that she was passing out. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to read her latest book, Divas of Damascus Road, which was supposed to have been available July 12th.

Please keep me and my children in your prayers.


greggy said...

Tam...of course I will keep not only you and your children in my prayers, but also the childrens father as well. Little do these young men realize the damage they are foisting upon their very own when they refuse for whatever reason to do the right thing for their kids sake. As for you...congrats on continuing in your growth with your classes!

sunshine said...

As always I am excited to see someone with my name. Mine is Tamela. Keep doing you girl! It will always pay off in the end. Continue to keep God first and you and your kids will be fine.

greggy said...

just dropping by to say you are missed...hope you and the kidds are doing fine, yes? Merry Christmas to you and yours!