Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I Stand Corrected

In my 12/29/05 post (yes, it's been a while) I shared a poem titled 'Saved and Single'. This morning I received an e-mail notifying me of a comment made to that post. The commenter said that they were actually the author of the poem that I posted and was kind enough to include the actual poem in its entirety (you can check out the comments in the 12/29/05 post if you choose to read the correct version).

I received the poem via e-mail and the author was listed as 'unknown'.

Me being the inquisitive person that I am, decided to look up the author on the internet to validate the claim. Shellie R. Warren is real (not sure if she really was the commenter since I was unable to access the website that was given). I haven't had a chance to read as much about her as I would like but I definitely plan on doing so.

The title of the poem is 'I'm Single and That's Alright With Me' and she stated that it is included in a book she wrote titled Inside of Me: Lessons of Lust, Love and Redemption.

There are quite a few articles written about her or by her on various websites. Just to name few: Relevant Store.Com, Bellezasinc.Com, Faithwebbin.Net and FindArticles.Com.

You can check out her website here. My apologies to Shellie R. Warren for the poem not being displayed in its entirety and more importantly, for showing the author as 'unknown'.


BFuniv said...


it is always nice to learn the truth, especially when we were wrong.

Thanks for keeping us from repeating the error.

By the way - tag - you are it



Nandi Yaa said...

I'm sure Shellie's good to go, since she received her proper acknowledgement. Many times we receive things from individuals who didn't take the time to research the true origins of something. I'm glad you corrected the situation as quickly as you did. But could I expect anything less? ;-)
