Friday, December 30, 2005

There's no excuse. . .

for blatant rudeness!! Yesterday I heard someone in a management position talk rudely to 2 different people (her office is across the hall from mine). I understand that she's not feeling well (and has been sick for at least or week). I even feel bad for her -- to a certain extent.

But, if your illness causes you to talk to others in a demeaning and/or unprofessional and disrespectfull manner -- stay home. I mean, let's be real here. There are many people who go to work daily who at some time or another have not been feeling their best. There are others who are dealing with difficult personal issues but still show up for work and perform their job duties without snapping at co-workers.

I don't care what your title is, where you received your college degree, what level of higher education you have completed, what your last name is or how much you're getting paid -- this does not grant you the right to be rude to others.

What's worse is when those being disrespected don't speak up for themselves. To be honest, this person behaves in this very same manner at times even when they are not ill.

How would I have handled the situation if it would have been me? Good question. Honestly, I would have had to make sure that I had the right frame of mind before I tried to deal with the situation. Sometimes it's best to choose to walk away and address the issue at a later date to prevent things from getting worse.

1 comment:

greggy said...

I agree...before I learned how to control situations instead of letting situations control me I probably would have reacted with a "ghetto beat down" attitude that would more than likely have just led to anger, bitterness and added disrespect for both of us I've learned to put it all into perspective and walk away until cooler heads can prevail. Then after a cool moment had passed I most certainly would pull the offending person up and make them aware that that kind of behaviour and attitude not only was not welcome but also has no place in a professional environment among professional people. Bottom line is that they need to learn how to leave their personal issues at home and deal with them in a more productive way instead of using them as an excuse to deman and brw-beat others...

By the way...Have a Happy New Years!!