Thursday, December 30, 2004

Let's see... today is....Thursday, I think

This is how my week has been, no joke. I have to seriously think about what day it is. 2004 has blown by and if I would have just blinked once -- I would have missed out. I must say that overall this has been a very good year for me. Christmas was wonderful! Me and the kids went to Oklahoma. We managed to get snow on the Wednesday before Christmas (not enough to make snow angels in). It was very pretty though. I spent the day at work walking back and forth to a vacant window office to admire it.

I have successfully enrolled in 2 courses for the Spring semester (Biology & Basic Math). Both will be on-line courses with the exception of exams which will be taken on campus. I also have to go on-campus for Biology lab. I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time. I've never been fond of Biology. I'm not too concerned about the math class. I just know that I am in for many hours of studying/homework.

I have the day off tomorrow :). I plan on spending time at home with my kids most of the day. Me and a girlfriend will be bringing in the New Year at church. Beverly Crawford will be blessing us with her voice. To all of my blogging buddies -- I wish you the best in 2005!

1 comment:

Nandi Yaa said...

Right back at cha, Tam!