Thursday, January 13, 2005

The start of a new year

2005 is off to a pleasant, positive start. I spent New Year's Eve with my children and friends. I did a little shopping on New Year's day with the kids and a friend. I must admit that I shopped longer than I intended. Later that night I went out to dinner with friends & their family. It was so much fun. I always enjoy dining at good Mexican food restaurants. After dinner we went back to one of my friend's apartment and played Phase 10 (I lost).

I purchased books for my 2 classes earlier this week. About half of it was covered by financial aid (the line was long). My out-of-pocket expense was a little over $100. My USED Biology book was $98! Oh well, it's paid for now. I searched on the internet for the same used book and found that I could have purchased one for as low as $50. I don't feel like dealing with waiting on the book to arrive, the actual condition, etc. I'll just keep what I have. My classes start next week. My emotions are somewhat mixed. I'm both excited and a little nervous. I'm sure I'll do well (as long as I keep telling myself this).

My son is now taking karate lessons (my daughter has been taking them for over a month now). I must admit that if up to him, he wouldn't be doing it. I've gotten advice from a few men and thought long and hard about it. I felt that he needed to be involved in something that will enforce self-discipline, among other things. This is his 2nd week and he LOVES it! I'm so glad that I made the right decision.

My personal life is not bad. I just need to have patience and go where God leads me. I had a serious talk with the only man that I have really been drawn to since my divorce (over 3 years ago). He has his faults but so does everyone -- including me. There is something about him that just captures my heart. We had a serious talk and if things are going to work between us, I really need to make a change. I know that I have been quick to get frustrated or angry and cut ties with him (on numerous occasions). It's surprising that despite the fact that I love him, I will still allow this bad behavior to keep resurfacing. I told him (o.k. - I text messaged him) and let him know that no matter what direction our relationship takes, I will always love him. He must be feeling more comfortable with our discussion and believes me when I said that I will handle things differently in the future. He came by to visit on Sunday. We also spent time together on Tuesday and I realized how much I missed him and how much I enjoy his company.

I received an e-mail the other day about making the right choices. I won't post all of it but here's a few statements that really stood out.
Patience brings about better choices. So the slower you go, the sooner you are able to enjoy what you really desired rather than having to come back and clean up things you could have prevented that cost you extra time. In order for you to get God's perfect plan and minimize disaster, you must make the right choice. Start your year off making a decision to tell yourself the truth, not live in an illusion of what you want to see but what is reality and face it. Then ask God to direct your steps so every choice you make will be better than the ones you have made in the past. Why? Your peace of mind depends on it!

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