Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Trying Not to Worry

I've been having pains in my lower abdomen for about 2 weeks now. I seldom get sick so this is really concerning me. I had a Dr's. appointment last week with my gynecologist. She found nothing. So now, today, I have an appointment with the Women's Diagnostic Center for a pelvic ultrasound. Yes, I am worried. I am praying that it's nothing life threatening. I've been watching the clock because I have to drink (4) 8 oz. glasses of water one hour before my appointment. I'm trying to think strategically. My appointment is at 10:45. I need to be there by 10:30, so I'm thinking around 9:30 or 9:45 I should start chugging. I'm hoping my bladder won't explode before they examine me. On a lighter note, it's a nice sunny day and the high should be around 96 degrees.


Pincushion said...

hey..hope u r doing alright..! i am sure everything will be just fine..good luck..n take care

tan247 said...

Pincushion - Thanks for thinking of me. Still waiting to hear from Doctor for the results.