Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Hoping . . .

that I get this job position that I interviewed for yesterday afternoon. It's for an admin position that will support a Sr. Manager and 4 consultants. I interviewed with everyone except the Sr. Mgr. Everyone seemed so friendly and energetic. There was 3 women and one man. The man seemed a bit more serious/less energetic than the women. I was there for about an hour and 45 minutes. I stressed myself out over the weekend running around trying to find a suit and shoes to wear for the interview. I bought something that I didn't end up wearing (what a waste). I think the interviews went really well. This is definitely a position that I would like to have. I was told that they would be making a decision within the next 3 weeks. So, Lord please -- if it's for me, let it be.

I'm also looking forward to a nice loooooooong weekend! I have Monday and Tuesday of next week off for the 4th of July holiday. The kids I will once again be rolling North to Oklahoma to celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday. We may come back to Dallas on Sunday, I haven't decided yet. If so, I'll be hanging with one of my girlfriends and her family (who I always enjoy spending time with). Hopfully gas will drop by Saturday morning -- at least enough so that a full tank won't cost over $30 bucks (hey -- it would be nice).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you too girly! :)

Ahhh I have those days off as well and will be away somewhere up north...I can't wait! :)