Tuesday, July 26, 2005

No Pain -- No Gain

Well, I'm feeling the pain from my workout yesterday. I met one of the ladies in my small group at they gym yesterday around 6 p.m. She went to a step aerobics class and I spent 30 minutes on a treadmill and then spent another 30 minutes working out with weights on my legs. My legs are not as sore as they could be but they're sore enough. I did crunches on one of the benches they have that works the abdominals.

I'll be going to the gym again today around 6:15 p.m. I'll be in the salsa class that they have on Tuesday's & Thursday's. Wednesday is church night which means that I won't be able to work out on this day, but, I'll try to get in at least 4 days per week of exercise. I bought some running shoes on Sunday and I am good to go! I hope that I am still this 'pumped up' about working out in another - say, 3 or 4 weeks. If the gym's scale is correct -- I'm around 145 - 146 lbs.!!!!! I AM NOT going out like that. Drastic times call for drastic measures. I have uped my workout days per week to a minimum of 5 (instead of 4). Let's see if I can remain determined & disciplined. (To be honest with you, I really don't think that the scale was calibrated properly -- but, that's just my opinion.)


Anonymous said...

Yay - i found somebody who just started working out *again* too. Keep at it girl - I'm back in the gym - and I'm aiming for 7 days - knowing I'll probably get in only 5

princessdominique said...

I'm in search of someone who works out on a regular. Sounds fun though to do it in a group. Darn that scale too!