Monday, July 25, 2005

Weekends Like This

I just love it when things go well. I had mixed emotions; excited, nervous and feeling a bit doubtful about agreeing to become a facilitator (group leader) for a single parents small group. Our first meeting was this past Friday evening. I am pleased to say that it went extreeeeeeemely well! I was so excited after the meeting was over. Let me tell you, when it is meant for you to be in a certain position God will make it crystal clear to you. My doubts have been replaced by encouragement & determination.

The meeting, actually more of a meet & greet session, started around 7:30 p.m. There were 6 ladies present in addition to myself. We started off with an ice breaker and after an opening prayer we began to vote on one book (from a selection of 5) that the group would read and discuss at future monthly meetings. We decided on Breaking Free by Beth Moore. We also agreed upon set days/time for future meetings as well. Our 2nd meeting will be a social activity and will take place 2 weeks from our first meeting. We decided to meet up at a bowling alley that is pretty close to all of us. Things went soooo smoothly. After the meeting a few ladies stayed longer and we munched on nachos and finger foods that I had prepared. The following morning I had to attend a facilitator's meeting and ended up speaking about the outcome of my meeting. At the end of this meeting three more ladies were added to my group. At this point, my group is full and I cannot accept more members. This is so amazing. I am just thankful that God can use me to encourage, empower, motivate, and uplift other women.

We are not about coming together specifically to talk about bad relationships and/or to bash the father's of our children. The purpose of this group is to provide a connection for women who have experienced similar life situations (such as single parenthood). It's about women who didn't choose to be single parents but who are still shouldering that burden while striving to be Christ-like and raise Godly children. It's about women who seek spiritual growth and peace in their lives. It's about women who, regardless of what happened in their past, can still find something to praise God for. It's about women who have goals and want to help others reach theirs. It's about women who at times may need a shoulder to cry on and at other times are willing to offer theirs. After one meeting, I truly believe that we have 'connected'. I know that our children certainly did. The other kids did not want to leave and were already planning for future sleep-overs.

God has been doing some things in my life. Some good and some not so good. Some are causing me to move beyond the boundaries of what I know is comfortable. Other things are causing me to take a closer look at how I am living my life and the decisions that I have made thus far. I am learning to see the 'not so good' situations as stepping that are preparing me for the next level that God is taking me too. These situations are just 'fine-tuning' me so that I will be equipped & ready.

I had to speak in front of a small group on Saturday morning and it wasn't too bad (about 20 people). The more I do it, the easier it will become. The efforts of evangelizing about salvation at a local park a week ago has been fruitful. I had mentioned in a previous post about 2 young men that we spoke to who stayed true to their word and visited our church the following day. Well, I actually was able to greet them yesterday at our 11 a.m. service (their 2nd visit). They had come to one of the classrooms after church service where singles could get connected with small groups and learn about upcoming activities.

I had more to share about this weekend but I'm getting a little tired of typing. I met a very interesting person yesterday at a dinner that I was invited to. I'll have to share that story in another post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds exciting. I'm excited for you because you know you're at the place you're supposed to be and doing what you know you're supposed to be doing. Keep doing your (His) thing. Can't wait to read the rest.