Friday, July 08, 2005

There is a bright side. . .

that doesn't mean that I still can't be frustrated. I filled out an application to receive a grant that would pay for my books during the 2nd summer session. I received a phone call from the grant coordinator requesting more information from me, which I faxed to her the same day. I paid my tuition on July 6th and began to wonder why I hadn't heard anything regarding the grant. I call the grant coordinator only to learn that she is out of the office until Monday (the day classes start). I was given another number to call and reached that person this morning.

I was NOT awarded the grant because I did not pay my tuition before the June 30th deadline! I of course ask, "what June 10th deadline"? The person on the other end of the phones responds, "the deadline that is shown on your application". I responded that I must have missed that additional bit of information (as I hurriedly look through my file for my copy of the application). Glancing over it I noticed that there is no deadline on the application. The woman assisting me was looking over her copy of the application as well and came to the same conclusion - there was no deadline noted on the application. All she could do was say that she would make sure the deadline is placed on future applications. What good is that going to do me!? I have to cancel a class and wait 5 to 6 weeks to be reimbursed. Thank God I followed up before Monday. I would only receive 70% of what I paid if I had waited until next week.

O.k., now for the bright side of things. I now have the remainder of the summer to focus on the ministries that I have volunteered for. I have a training class this Saturday for Single Parent Small Group Facilitators (bi-weekly meetings will start the end of July). I am still waiting to be contacted for an interview for the Family Care Pregnancy Center that is scheduled to open September 1st. There will be a 13 week training class for this outreach program in addition to another special class that I have to take. Also, the time that I would have used to study will now be spent being entertained by/watching movies with/loving up my kids.

Isn't life grand :) .

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