Thursday, October 07, 2004

14 Days Until . . .

my 36th birthday! I'm excited for some reason. Not so sure why. It's really just another day. Getting older has never bothered me. I feel blessed to be as old as I am and not look it :). I've always wondered why some women don't like telling their true age. It doesn't or shouldn't change a person's perception of you nor does it stretch your life expectancy.

I have no big celebration planned although my daughter suggested that we go roller skating. I think we might just do that. It's been a long time since I've gone roller skating. Not to mention that they have free passes from school.


Pincushion said...

Way to go Tam !! Enjoy your impending birthday !..and yea, i totally agree about not bothering about your age and just being who you are ! Its all in the mind isn't it ?? I think its kind of liberating..a woman in her thirties is a complete woman..confident, knows what she wants and doing what she wants to do..a time for liberation..wouldn't you say so ?!! :-)
Cheers !

lashundra said...

thanks for visiting my site tam. i hope you have a wonderful b-day which will be here soon and you have every right to be excited it's another year the lord has blessed you to be alive. rollerskating will be fun with your daughter, i can't skate and i'm 32 but my daughter does better than me but it will be lots of fun.

i've enjoyed your posts here and will be adding you to my links.

take care and have a great weekend.