Thursday, October 07, 2004

Week 3 of DivorceCare Counseling

Missed it :(. It was raining too hard for me to leave my dog outside (he's still healing from his surgery on Saturday and cannot get his incision wet). He had already been in his crate all day while I was at work and putting him back in there for an additional 2 hours or more would not have been good. I really wanted to go. I did some work in my workbook in the 'On Your Own' section for the session I missed. I still felt guilty about missing.


tan247 said...

Yes, I keep him in his crate if the temperature outside is extreme (too hot, too cold, raining). In this case, as I've mentioned in a previous post, he had surgery last week & he cannot get wet, run around or jump. It has been raining the majority of the week. He is much safer in his crate than roaming around the home (he has not reached a level of maturity to not get into any trouble while I'm away (aka tearing up something, eating something he shouldn't, etc. - not sure that he ever will). Trust me, my dog is better cared for than alot of children.

The Humanity Critic said...

Just passing through, great blog by the way..Take care..