Friday, February 04, 2005

African-American Inventors

In recognition of Black History Month, my children's school is daily requesting each student to find out what African-American invented certain things. They write their name, grade, teacher and the answer on a sheet of paper and submit it. I believe there is a drawing each day with prizes given to the student(s) with the correct answer.

I'm starting to enjoy going on-line to find out who invented what. So far, we have learned of the following inventions:

Ironing Board (Improvement) - Sarah Boone (patented 4/26/1892)
Golf Tee - George Grant (patented in 1899); graduated from Harvard Dental School in 1870
Letter Drop Mail Box - Phillip Downing (patented 10/27/1891)

I think we should keep this up throughout the year.

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