Friday, May 27, 2005

Me & My New SUV

No, it's not the BMW X5 that just makes my heart melt when I see or think about it. But it's mine and is financed in my name. The car I've been driving for about 3 1/2 years was in a friend's name (long story that I really don't feel like getting into). After I purchased my house in 2003 she started asking me about getting the car in my own name. I had drawn up a contract that we both signed and I had it notarized when I agreed to take over the payments for her. The agreement was that I would pay on the car until it was paid in full.

Well, towards the end of last year she started asking me again about getting the car out of her name. I could see that this was going to be a problem. I had always made the payments on time and have taken good care of the car (o.k., maybe I shouldn't go as long as I've been known to between oil changes). I attempted to purchase a Jeep Liberty in January of this year but the payments would have been more than I felt I could comfortably afford so I did not purchase it.

I get an e-mail on Tuesday from a dealership that I had e-mailed earlier this year when I was seriously considering buying a new vehicle. The e-mail from the Internet Sales Manager stated that they were having a Memorial Day Sale and would have big deals on their vehicles. We exchanged a few e-mails and I eventually went to the dealership that evening. Over the course of the next 2 days I was totally stressed out. One minute he is certain he can get me into a Liberty regardless of my situation (car not in my name, upside down on car, almost no money down, not enough credit since my bankruptcy). Yeah, I know my situation was a bit challenging but the way I feel regardless of a person's situation is -- either you can or you can't make a deal. Don't string a person along. Don't act like you're having to walk over hot coals to get a person financed. Well, after what felt like a see-saw ride (up & down -- one minute everything looks good, the next minute, there's an issue with this or that) I received a call Thursday afternoon from the salesman saying that everything looked great and the paperwork would be ready for me to sign when I arrived. The only thing they needed from my friend was for her to sign a Power of Attorney form.

I am continuing to re-establish my credit since my divorce. Apparently, owning a home is not enough (I've heard this more than once). The salesman actually said that it's easier to purchase a home than a car due to the fact that you can't hide a house. In spite of the stressful state I was in this past 2 1/2 days -- I am overall pleased with Preston Chrysler Jeep and I am loving my '05 white Liberty Sport. It doesn't have all the fancy upgrades but I'm pleased with the standard options. I'll be hitting the highway headed North to Oklahoma this weekend and for once this will be a drive that I'm looking forward to.

As they get older, I will make it a point to drill into my children's heads the importance of good credit.

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