Tuesday, May 17, 2005

When Temptation Abounds

It is hard enough staying on track without distractions. Just imagine the struggle one incurs when faced with distractions that can/will cause you to lose focus, get off track and/or stumble. I feel like I've taken more of a tumble. There are things in my life that I consider highly important and require my constant attentiveness. Health and fitness is one of them. I refuse to allow myself to fall into the category of being considered 'over-weight'. At 5'3 1/2" tall, I become alarmed when the scale tips past the 140 mark, which leads me to the reason for this post.

I had a regular routine doctor's visit last week, which I was not looking forward to. The #1 reason being the procedure itself, which I won't get into and I am soooo glad that it's over. The 2nd reason for my dreading to go to the doctor was because I knew I had gained weight. I just underestimated how much. The last time I stepped on a scale (when I was vigorously keeping in shape by weight training & jogging) I weighed 137 lbs. Now, I am at 144 -- NOT acceptable. I am seriously trying not to let it get me down. It seems that after the doctor's visit, I am noticing my clothes fitting tighter. But, at least I can still get into most of them.

One of the main causes of my weight gain is the abundance of unhealthy snacks at my job (too tempting). This doesn't even include the cakes/cookies/ice cream or pies that are brought in at least once a month in celebration of that months birthdays. Yeah, I'm a strong woman -- but hey, at times, I am not that strong (well, at least I haven't been the past couple of months).

But, as of yesterday, Monday, May 16, 2005 -- I will NOT, I repeat, will NOT allow myself to give in to the aromatic fragrances of fattening foods, delightful looking donuts, mouthwatering cakes, cookies, chips & dips that are displayed on a table in the copy room, (that I regularly have to venture into, at any given time. My first test will be this morning. There are 2 different types of cakes, chips and dip to celebrate several May birthdays. Tomorrow we will have lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. Oh, but I've planned ahead. There is nothing like an accountability partner. I took care of that yesterday. She will be checking on me to see that I don't give in. I went to the grocery store yesterday and purchased fruit to snack on instead of grabbing a bag of cheetos or a rice krispie treat. I also brought yogurt this morning.

I am serious about this. I will be eating healthier on a more consistent basis (I can indulge every now & then -- just not often). Exercise will be just like breathing (a natural thing) regardless of what's going on in my life. Growth & development applies to all areas of our lives; mental, spiritual and physical. This is what I consider a balanced life. One that includes spiritual growth and maturity, constant learning to stimulate your mind and maintaining a healthy & fit lifestyle.

There's nothing wrong with being tempted -- as long as you don't give in!

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