Monday, July 19, 2004

Exercise - It Does A Body Good

I am back on track after my week long unintentional break from jogging.  I woke up Saturday morning and went to the track around 8:45 (it was very hot).  I jogged/walked 2 miles.  I could only manage to jog 3 laps without stopping.  The rest of the day I spent with Diesel (my pet Boxer).  We slept later that afternoon for about 2 hours.  I guess we were both tired.  I ran out later that evening and went to Dairy Queen to get a Oreo cookies blizzard.  It was soooo gooood!  It replaced the frustration with the Jr. Banana Split that I was so disappointed in the night before.
Sunday morning I called a friend and talked her into going to the track with me around 8:30.  It was hot again, but not as bad as the previous morning.  I jogged/walked another 2 miles.  I did reach my goal of running 1 mile nonstop.  I made it to church a little late (about 20 minutes).  The sermon was stirring and heart-touching as usual.  The pastor's sermon was 'The Flipside of God's Sovereignty'.  The bottom line was; you cannot stand in God's way.  Whatever his will is, he will get it done, whether you cooperate or not.  If you choose your will over God's - you have exalted yourself above the Father (and you know he's not having that).  References were made to Pharaoh and the number of chances God gave him to obey his command, 'Let my people go'.  He didn't do it and in the end, he felt the wrath of God.  I will focus more on doing what God wants, not what pleases me.  I feel like I am feeling his wrath now -- and I know it could be much worse.

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