Thursday, July 29, 2004

I finally did it . . . .

I joined the choir!  It has taken me several months to get the nerve to just show up.  I was dreading it because I was told that you would be asked to stand up and sing a song (in front of the whole choir).  I don't mind an audition in front of the Director, but singing in front of the entire choir was not what I had in mind.  Well, it really wasn't that bad.  There were 2 other new members there besides me.  We were asked to sing one line of any song we wanted to (not the entire song) which made it even better.  I song a few words to 'By and By'.  It's a song that me and my youngest sister used to lead when we were in the youth choir.  I feel so much better now.  Everyone was very nice.  It lasted from 7 p.m. to about 9:45 p.m.  To be honest, I didn't realize it was that late until I was leaving.  I can't wait to attend another rehearsal.  There's nothing like singing praises to the Lord!!


Ayaba said...

I joined my church choir in December. I have my first solo this upcoming Sunday. I'm nervous. I've never considered myself a lead singer and feel a little out of my league. But I will not make a fool of myself and remember that it's the Lord's will. I hope I sound convincing. Pray for me. :)

tan247 said...

Ayaba - I will pray for you. Remember, you're singing for God, try to forget about the congregation. Let me know how it goes.