Monday, July 26, 2004

Living Single

This weekend was 'alright'.  I managed to get out of the house on Saturday and do some window shopping.  It wasn't too bad.  I've never been the one to go to the mall if I couldn't buy anything.  Of course there were sales in every store we went in.  Why is it that when I do have money to spend, it's hard for me to find clothes or shoes that I like.  When I'm broke -- everything seems to appeal to me.  I spent the later part of the evening relaxing with my dog.  Dogs can be just like children, he requires (and demands) alot of attention.  I haven't really gotten attached to him.

I was awoken Sunday morning by the ringing of my telephone at 6:45 A.M.!  I was sleeping sooo good.  My first thought was 'this better be important'.  Ha! -- it wasn't.  It was a friend wanting to know if I wanted to go to church with her.  I thought she was calling to go jogging.  We talked for about 15 minutes and I tried to go back to sleep.  That didn't work so, what else could I do but wake up someone myself [misery loves company :) ].  I called a friend who I was previously dating but it didn't work out.   I asked him to go jogging with me -- I had to beg a little.  He gave in and agreed to meet me at a track that is close to both of us.  He wasn't there when I arrived so I killed time by stretching and eventually walking around the track.  I just knew he was not going to show up.  I was getting pretty pissed the more I walked.  After one lap I decided to go ahead and jog without him.  Half way around I see him pulling up.  We jog 2 miles and walk 1/2 a mile.  We did a few crunches and called it quits.  I rushed home to get ready for church.  While driving off I realized something, I still have feelings for him. 

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