Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Single Without Children (For a little while)

It is now Tuesday and I have not talked to my kids since I left them in Oklahoma on Sunday. Am I a bad mother or what? Every other summer that they have gone, I've called at least once a day, sometimes twice a day. I know that they're having fun and are in good care. I will definitely call this evening.

I motivated myself enough to stop by the grocery story yesterday evening and picked up something to cook. I cooked smothered pork chops (something I hadn't done in over a year), cabbage and shells & cheese. It was quite tasty if I must say so myself. I enjoyed it alone. A friend stopped my later that evening and we went to the movies (2 days in a row)! I agreed to see Dodgeball with him. To be honest, I really wasn't looking forward to it. I thought it would be a bit stupid. It was actually very good. I laughed so hard I cried -- on more than one occasion. Two good movies in one week, as well as good company (I could easily get used to this). We made it back to my house around 11 p.m. He spent the night and I am honored to say that again, God is quite pleased with us. It isn't easy being single, finally meeting someone who you are very much attracted to and striving to live a Godly life (for those of you who can't read between the lines I'm referring to ABSTINENCE). I do believe that in the end, when you do meet that special someone who you are intended to spend the rest of your life with, it will be well worth it.

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