Monday, July 12, 2004

Home Alone

Well I made it home safely from my visit to OK. On Saturday we had a surprise (belated) birthday party for my son who turned 9. His birthday cake was too cute. It had a Hummer sitting on brown icing (dirt road) with mountains in the back ground, a few plastic trees on the cake and a Hummer license plate that said 'Hummer Tyme'. It felt good to see him so happy even though his gifts were not very expensive. It helps to have kids who are appreciate of 'small' things when you are a single parent who is shouldering the burden of seeing that they get the best out of life as possible. Sunday morning we loaded up for my oldest sister's company picnic at a nearby lake (man-made beach included). It was alot of fun. I had to leave after about an hour to go visit my grandmother before heading back to Big 'D'. My kids gave me a quick kiss and continued to play in the water. I spent 2 hours in my hometown and then headed for home, without my babies.

I got a call from a friend wanting to know what time I would make it home. Much to my surprise he had cooked dinner (which was quite good for someone who doesn't cook) and also wanted to go see a movie -- The Terminal, which started at 7:30 pm. I managed to make it home around 6:20 pm (I did have to disregard all speed limits to do so). I showered, changed clothes and headed to his house around 6:40pm. It only took me 10 minutes to get there. Dinner was ready and we finished eating in about 15 minutes. (I tried to be cute about woofing down my food. He didn't seem to mind.) Traffic was moving very smoothly until we reached downtown. As always on 35 North, there was a wreck (at least 5 cars). Traffic was backed up and my friend did not hide his frustration. He let a few (o.k. more than a few) curse words fly. I tried to help by suggesting that he get on the service road -- can you tell I've done this many times before. He followed my advice and we made much better time than if we would have stayed on the freeway. We finally make it to the theater and find out that the movie started 10 minutes later than what we thought (yippee). We didn't miss anything. It was a great movie that I highly recommend. The stars are Tom Hanks & Catherine Zeta-Jones. After the movie, we road around downtown for a little while & then went to Braums to get ice cream (for him). I ate so bad this weekend that I am certain I would have been in a state of depression if I had eaten even a half a scoop of ice cream at 11 o'clock p.m. We went back to his house, fell asleep on the sofa until 1 a.m. (God is so pleased with us). I awoke startled, realizing that my dog was at home (outside)!!! I rushed out of his house and raced home (with my gas light lit up). I made it safely and let my furbaby in. He was obviously happy to see me. It took about 20 minutes for him to call down and stop jumping all over me. The joys of owning a dog. :) I made it to bed about 1:45 a.m. I would have made it to work on time this morning but guess what, ANOTHER wreck on 35 North. This time about 3 cars, one was overturned. I was frustrated but did not respond the same way as my friend. I said a prayer and began to decide whether or not I would still stop and get breakfast, and arrive late to work, or not get breakfast and arrive on time. Uhmmm, decisions - decisions.

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